Big Sister Traci and Little Sister Mikala have been matched for 2 years. Traci has previous experience being a Big Sister and is also an employee of BBBS. When asked “Has it been challenging to find time to spend with your Little?” Traci replies “It hasn’t been challenging to find the time to spend with Mikala because if it’s a busy week or month, I just incorporate her into things that I am already going to be doing!” Taking that question a bit deeper, when asked “What kinds of things do you do with your Little? ”Traci shared that Mikala and I go to Badger sporting events, get our nails done, go out to eat, go shopping, make a scrapbook of the things we do together and attend sporting events at Mikala’s school.

From a parent’s perspective, Mikala’s father Kevin shares the reason he enrolled her in the community based program: She needed a female figure to talk with about girl things and she could benefit from having someone like that in her life. The program and Traci have done a lot of good things and Mikala really looks up to Traci. Mikala has grown in maturity and is now better at asking for help when she needs it. It has helped her to be able to confide in someone and Traci has been such a great influence. Some of the favorite things Mikala has done with Traci that she’s shared with Dad are Badger volleyball and basketball games and that she really likes the match activities they have attended also! As a parent with a child in the program, would you recommend the program to others? Kevin said he definitely would and has!

Mikala shares that what she likes best about Big Sister Traci is that she is always open to hang out and just talk with me. She confirms that her favorite things she’s been able to do (so far) with Traci have been going to volleyball games with friends and getting our nails done together.

When we asked Mikala “do your friends know you are in the program and what do they think?” Her excited reply was “they think it is pretty awesome!” Perhaps the most heartwarming answer is what Mikala replied to our final question for this interview… “What has BBBS meant to you?” “It is like another family!”

The impact of mentoring is most definitely NOT a one-way street, however, as can be gleaned from the final question asked of Big Sister Traci. How has being a Big Sister impacted your life? “I gain so much from my relationship with Mikala, as I hope she does as well! We have so much fun together, and most times we aren’t doing anything crazy! We might just be at the store

or grabbing something to eat, but we are always having fun! Even when we are having tough conversations, we get through them with ease, because we are open with one another.

I learn things about myself by being a Big to Mikala—kids and teenagers can teach us a lot about ourselves! I would absolutely recommend this program to others! You are making a difference in the life of a child, but what you get back from it is also amazing and beneficial to you as well.

It feels good to give back to our community and make a difference in the youth of Green County!”

Donors like you are critical to ensuring BBBS of Green County has the resources needed for Littles to experience mentoring like Mikala does and that our office has the operating funds needed to continue our programs and services. We can’t do it without you.