Little Brother Jared and his Big couple Virgil and Carol were matched for 12 years before Jared graduated from high school and moved to Virginia to start college to study film.

Reflecting back on his time in the program, Jared said he started BBBS at such a young age (6) that he didn’t ever think of it as being in a program. Virgil and Carol have just always been in his life. Jared said it has been awesome to have that extension that he wouldn’t have experienced without BBBS. Jared said, “They feel like family; they are family.” Jared said he was exposed to so much because of Virgil and Carol. One of the biggest impacts on Jared was the love of history Virgil and Carol shared.

If Jared could tell Virgil and Carol anything, it would be thank you over and over again for giving their time and energy. Jared said he knows it wasn’t always easy and he wasn’t always easy, but they were always willing to keep saying yes, and the best part now is maintaining a relationship. “It is truly a friendship.” Virgil and Carol have even traveled to Virginia to visit Jared at college a few times. Jared is still living in Virginia and said he misses being able to see Virgil and Carol.

Jared recently started his masters in marketing and is also working in the wine industry. As a result of the impact BBBS has had on Jared’s life and his appreciation for nonprofits, Jared started a nonprofit connecting students with the film industry.

Jared feels BBBS is more important than ever because of everything going on in our world and believes BBBS was awesome for him. Jared said, “Thank you for Virgil and Carol!”

Donors like you are critical to ensuring BBBS of Green County has the resources we need for Littles to experience mentoring like Jared did and that our office has the operating funds needed to continue our programs and services. We can’t do it without you.